ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique identifier that gives researchers and scholars a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes them from others. It serves as a tool to connect researchers with their scholarly activities and contributions throughout their careers.
The importance of having an ORCID ID lies in the following benefits:
- Distinguishing Identity: An ORCID iD provides a distinct and unambiguous identification for researchers, ensuring that their work is properly attributed to them and reducing the chances of mistaken identity.
- Research Visibility: By associating their ORCID iD with their scholarly outputs, such as publications, datasets, and grants, researchers can enhance the discoverability and visibility of their work. This can increase their research impact and facilitate collaboration opportunities.
- Simplified Data Entry: With an ORCID iD, researchers can easily transfer their publication and affiliation information between different systems and platforms, reducing the need for manual data entry and saving time.
- Integration with Research Systems: Many publishers, funding agencies, and research institutions have integrated ORCID into their workflows. This integration allows for seamless exchange of information and enables automatic updates of researchers' profiles.
Creating an ORCID ID is a straightforward process. You can follow these steps:
- Visit the ORCID website at https://orcid.org/
- Click on the "Register now" button on the homepage.
- Fill out the registration form with the required information, including your name, email address, and a password.
- Agree to the ORCID terms of service and privacy policy.
- Complete the reCAPTCHA verification.
- Click on the "Register" button to create your ORCID ID.
- You will receive an email to verify your email address. Follow the instructions in the email to complete the verification process.
- Once your email is verified, you can log in to your ORCID account and start adding information to your profile, such as your publications, affiliations, and grants.
Remember to keep your ORCID profile up to date by regularly adding and updating your research activities to maximize the benefits of your ORCID ID.
The rest steps to connect ORCID ID and Scopus are given in the attachment. If you have any queries, feel free to write to us at editor@mgesjournals.com